Brain Tonic

Brain Tonic

Product Code: Bra-001-60
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Brain TonicTM

Help stress relief

Improve memory

Improve energy

Help healthy sleep


Brain Tonic specific formulation has been developed, tested, and implemented by medical doctors and scientist through their extensive research and personal practice. This nutritional and herbal combination is a general tonic fornervous system with unique properties to help stress relief, memory improve, energy boost, and sleep support. It can calm and reduce tension, anxiety, and fatigue.   


Polyscias Fruiticosa belongs to the family Araliaceae (Ginseng is the best-known representative in this family). The ethanol leaf extract of P. fruticosa has been found to contain glycosides (saponins and cyanogenetic), alkaloids, and sterols which augurs well for anti-inflammatory activity. [1]. P. fruticosa is also reported to have analgesic, antitoxin, molluscicidal, diuretic, and antibacterial activities [2]. Recent study showed ethanol leaf extract of P. fruticosa has anti-asthmatic, antihistaminic, and mast cell stabilization effects [3]. The beneficial effects of this extracts (adaptogens) may derive from their capacity to exert protective and/or inhibitory action against free radicals.   

Ginko Biloba  has long been used in Chinese medicines to promote wellbeing. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (GBLE) is one of most widely used herbal remedies for dementia and cognitive impairment [4].  GBLE contains a number of flavonoids and terpenes. Accumulated evidence suggested GBLE has an antioxidant action as a free radical scavenger, a relaxing effect on vascular walls, an antagonistic action on platelet-activating factor, an improving effect on blood flow or microcirculation, and a stimulating effect on neurotransmitters [5]. GBLE inhibits the increase in the products of the oxidative decomposition low-density lipoprotein (LDL), reduces the cell death in various types of neuropathy, and prevents the oxidative damage to mitochondria, suggesting that GBLE exhibits beneficial effects on neuron degenerative diseases by preventing chronic oxidative damage [6].    


Sulbutiamine is a form of Vitamin B1 (thiamine) that readily crosses the blood-brain barrier due to its lipophilic nature. Idemonstrates glutamatergic as well as dopaminergic properties [7] and is considered as a mood modulator, comparable to a very strong coffee without the agitation and anxiety associated with caffeine. Published data suggest that sulbutiamine is efficient for the treatment of memory defects [8], erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue syndrome [9], diabetes, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, postpartum depression and renal disease. As supplement, it is also categorized as fat-loss preparation or energy booster [10].   

Taurine is a sulfur abundant amino acid that is commonly found in most energy drinks. It has a multitude of effects including mood boosting, supporting a healthy metabolism, and even maintaining cognitive performance. Additionally, Taurine supplementation can mitigate the damaging effects of fat, glucose, and excess insulin. Taurine strengthens and protects heart muscle cells and the system of blood vessels that supplies blood throughout the body, helping to protect against atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.  


Adults take 1-3 capsules. 2 times daily before or after meals 1 hour or half hour before sleeping or as directed by a healthcare professional.


Polyscias fruticose extract, Ginkgo biloba extract, Taurine, Sulbutiamine


No adverse side effects reported.


Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct light. Keep out of reach of children.


1.         Huan, V.D., et al., Oleanane saponins from Polyscias fruticosa. Phytochemistry, 1998. 47(3): p. 451-457.

2.         Bernard, B.M., N. Pakianathan, and M.C. Divakar, On the antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and molluscicidal properties of Polyscias fruticosa (l) harms. Ancient science of life, 1998. 17(4): p. 313.

3.         Asumeng Koffuor, G., et al., Anti-asthmatic property and possible mode of activity of an ethanol leaf extract of Polyscias fruticosa. Pharmaceutical biology, 2016. 54(8): p. 1354-1363.

4.         Rowin, J. and S.L. Lewis, Spontaneous bilateral subdural hematomas associated with chronic Ginkgo biloba ingestion. Neurology, 1996. 46(6): p. 1775-1776.

5.         Smith, P.F., K. Maclennan, and C.L. Darlington, The neuroprotective properties of the Ginkgo biloba leaf: a review of the possible relationship to platelet-activating factor (PAF). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1996. 50(3): p. 131-139.

6.         Diamond, B.J., et al., Ginkgo biloba extract: mechanisms and clinical indications. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2000. 81(5): p. 668-678.

7.         Nguyễn, L.T., The beneficial role of thiamine in Parkinson disease. CNS neuroscience & therapeutics, 2013.19(7): p. 461-468.

8.         Tabassum, N., et al., Natural Cognitive Enhancers. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2012. 5(1): p. 153-160.

9.         Whiting, P., et al., Interventions for the treatment and management of chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review. Jama, 2001. 286(11): p. 1360-1368.

10.       Hoffman, J.R., et al., Examination of a pre-exercise, high energy supplement on exercise performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2009. 6(1): p. 2.

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